In today’s increasingly interconnected world, international migration has become a reality that touches nearly all corners of the globe. Modern transportation has made it easier, cheaper and faster for people to move in search of jobs, opportunity, education, and quality of life. At the same time conflict, poverty, inequality and a lack of sustainable livelihoods compel people to leave their homes to seek a better future for themselves and their families in another city
Research Question : What are the challenges faced by people migrating to places with low migration rates? (Reduced Inequality)
In today’s world migration is a major need for work as well as education
Every region in India is not as developed as others, hence people migrate to fulfill the basic needs of the family in search of work by getting out of their comfort zone
Being in the new region, they see a new language, culture, lifestyle etc, due to which they face many challenges which are needed to be overcome for better adaptability and lifestyle